Our Services

What we can do for you

Radiology Reports

  • Helping you find incidental dental pathology that may require your treatment.
  • Ruling out pathology outside the dentition for peace of mind for you and your patients.
  • View real life Sample Reports here.

Surgical Guides

  • Implant planning by a oral and maxillofacial radiologist with hands on implant placement experience ensuring you are placing the implant in a safe spot.  
  • Surgical guide fabrication for precision implant placement at the time of surgery.
  • View real life Sample Case here.

Other Surgical Guides

DIDx Surgical Guides


Radiology Reports

Limited + Medium FOV CBCT




2D Extraoral Imaging

*Incorporate images provided


Turnaround Time: 2-4 business days

  • Rush Service (24-hr turnaround time): $30
  • STAT Service (3-hr turnaround time): $100

How It Works

  1. Log in to your portal
  2. Click Submit Case
  3. Enter patient info
  4. Export and upload DICOM files and submit case

We’ll review your imaging and complete our assessment in 2-4 business days.

You’ll get an email your report is ready for viewing and download in our portal.

If you have any questions on the report you can securely discuss the case with the radiologist in the case submission. We even have the option to do a zoom case discussion!

Unsure of how to export your CBCT DICOM file?

Detailed export instructions can be found on our portal.

Implant Surgical Guides

1st arch

  • Includes 3 implants, +$30 each additional
  • Includes Radiology report

2nd arch

  • 2nd arch same patient

Guide Design Only

  • Print your own guide!
  • Includes radiology report, implant planning and surgical guide STL file
  • Second arch same patient – $199

Turnaround Time: 10 business days

  • Rush Service (5 business days for STL files, 7 business days for PVS/models): $100

How It Works

  1. Before our first case, we will set up a zoom meeting to go over your specific offices implant system, surgical kits and preferences.
  2. Log in to your portal
  3. Click Schedule Zoom Meeting, select Zoom Implant Surgical Guide Setup Meeting and schedule a time convenient for you. 
  1. Log in to your portal
  2. Click Order Surgical Guide
  3. Enter patient info
  4. Export and upload CBCT DICOM and intraoral scan STL files and click submit case
  1. We’ll review your submitted files, ensure proper merging of CBCT and STL files, and our radiologist will plan your implants.
  2. We will reach out to get approval before final guide design and fabrication.  After 5 cases you may optionally waive the approval phase!
  3. We will also complete the radiology report which is included. 

You’re guide will be shipped to your office with a drill report within 10 business days of receiving case approval.


  • Monthly invoice will be emailed on the 1st business day of the month.
  • Invoices payable by credit, debit or ACH via portal.
  • Payment due by the 15th of the month.
  • We offer discounts for offices submitting high volume of reports per month:
    • Silver Tier: 5-9 Cases – 5%
    • Gold Tier: 10-39 Cases – 10%
    • Platinum Tier: 40+ cases – 15%
  • Yes on our portal! Under the patient’s case submission you can discuss the patient’s case and ask any questions on the report.
  • You can also schedule a 15-minute zoom meeting on the portal if you want to discuss the case face-to-face with the radiologist for an added fee of $30.
  • Our HIPAA compliant portal ensures your patient’s data is safe.
  • Read more on our platform’s HIPAA compliance.
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